Robert Otterspoor

Hello, welcome; my name is Robert.

I am an experienced composite Specialist/Instructor with three decades of experience in composites and still actually involved in structural repairs, certifying staff, planning, managing, auditing, quality control and source inspection in parts manufacturing and maintenance environments.

Robert has a profound knowledge of composites and metal bonding and can pass on knowledge and skills to composite repair technicians.
Repair all types of composite parts (all type) radomes, elevators, fuselage, rudders etc.).
Employers include; Fokker Aerostructures, KLM/Air France, HEICO-Certifying Staff, Augusta Westland, and more.

Robert is registered officially at the European EASA as an Independent External Expert in several composite related disciplines.

Robert and  Bert are long time members of the SAE-Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee – CACRC International Training task group to standardise training and repair in commercial Aircraft composite repair.

If you have any questions for Robert, please contact us.